Matt Henshaw’s biography is already complex at the age of 27, which gives his song-writing a depth and maturity that could only have come with experience; suffering for his art and travelling a journey that has shaped and honed his skills – and it shows. Having paid his dues, he is still on his way up … and the best is yet to come.
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Unter den Einflüssen der Folk Musik seines Elternhauses entwickelte Blake seine ersten Songs.
Please find our Soundcloud playlist of CIRCUIT 01/2015 here:
Please find our Google + album of CIRCUIT 01/2015 here:
Please find our YouTube playlist of CIRCUIT 01/2015 here:
Upcoming Shows:
Please find our tourdiary of CIRCUIT 01/2015 here:
MATT HENSHAW (Leicester, GB) www.matthenshaw.com |
This soul-loving, tea-drinking gardener is a singer/songwriter of some repute from the Midlands since quitting his day job has there by storm. His penchant for acoustic sets and original songs showcases his love of guitar and vocal – based soul & blues, demonstrating his influences of Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, Steve Marriott and Sam Cooke, and earning him the description of ‘an old soul in a young body’.
His superlative voice and stage presence has already won him critical acclaim from respected publications such as the NME and The Guardian; he has been featured on BBC Introducing numerous times, appears regularly on independent radio stations around the world. Whether generating gentile acoustic hertfelt earworms or psychedelic rock with soulful undertones; his thus far independent releases have been an eclectic mix which demonstrates how successfully he can slip from genre to genre, and even create new ones, without losing integrity and which showcases his appeal to his many appreciative fans.
German version -------------------------------
Oft wird Matt Henshaw, Singer-Songwriter aus den Midlands, als „alte Seele in jungem Körper“ bezeichnet. Mit nur 27 Jahren zeugen seine Songs von Tiefe und Reife, die nur auf Erfahrung und eine ereignisreiche Biografie zurückzuführen sind. Sein auf Soul und Blues basierender Sound demonstriert Einflüsse von Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye und Sam Cooke. Nur mit seiner Gitarre und honigsüßen Stimme bewaffnet, verzauberte Hanshaw bereits sein Publikum in Großbritannien. Nun macht er sich auf den Weg, um im Rahmen des Songs & Whispers Circuit auch Deutschland zu erobern.
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Influences: Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, Sam Cooke
“Sublime…a blue-eyed soul voice that’s up there with the best of them” - Paul Lester, The Guardian
"Just Perfect" - Dean Jackson, BBC
"The Missing Link!" Jaime Hodgson, NME, I-D, The Observer
"It's easy to see why he is getting gigs across the country and over in Europe, just listen to the songs, Matt Henshaw has the potential to be as big as Ed Sheeran!" - Phil Patterson, Music Sector Specialist, UKTI
---------------------------------------------------------------"Just Perfect" - Dean Jackson, BBC
"The Missing Link!" Jaime Hodgson, NME, I-D, The Observer
"It's easy to see why he is getting gigs across the country and over in Europe, just listen to the songs, Matt Henshaw has the potential to be as big as Ed Sheeran!" - Phil Patterson, Music Sector Specialist, UKTI
In 1997, Robert Sarazin Blake dropped out of college and hit the road. With the folk music absorbed at his father’s house and his own DIY ethos of the day, he wrote his first batch of songs, Another Irrelevant Year. On the heels of Richard Manning, Billy Bragg, and Ani Difranco, Blake’s 18-year-old release is an early document of the folk-punk movement. On his first US tour, Blake played 30 shows around the US planting seeds for his future life on the road. His touring was (and is) less an economic model as it is a lifestyle. He hasn’t stopped. Eleven full length albums into his career, he’s continued to write pulling from folk roots, his travels, his contemporaries, and the quiet spot in the back of his mind. The writing has evolved, mellowing with experience and expanding with reference, but the essence of the work has remained the same-strong narratives solidly built on the folk foundation and fully in the immediacy of the now.
His songs continue to be influenced by Bob Dylan, Lou Reed, Joni Mitchell- his stories and stage banter by Arlo Guthrie, Garrison Keillor, his outlook by Amy Goodman, Noam Chomsky, and his essence by Henry Miller, John Steinbeck, and Philip Roth. His contemporaries, Anais Mitchell, Louis Ledford, continue to influence and inspire.
This philosophy reflects Blake’s dedication to the moment, to the connection within live performance. There is always a moment in a Blake show where the room pulls together and the space between the singer, the song, and the listener disappears. For Circuit 01/2015 Blake will be accompanied by Thomas Deakin on horn.
------------------------------------- Unter den Einflüssen der Folk Musik seines Elternhauses entwickelte Blake seine ersten Songs.
Auf den Spuren von Richard Manning, Billy Bragg und Ani Difranco, stellte die erste Veröffentlichung des damals erst 18-jährigen Blake, ein Zeugnis der Folk-Punk Bewegung dar. Wenig überraschend also, dass Blake 1997 das College verließ und sich ganz der Musik verschrieb.
Die Texte von Robert Sarazin Blake sind beeinflusst durch Autoren wie John Steinbeck, Henry Miller, Philip Roth und deren Blick auf Amerika. Blake ist ein exzellenter Beobachter - seine Songtexte machen auf sehr direkte Art deutlich, dass Amerika nicht für alle „das Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten“ ist.
Das aktuelle Album „Robt Sarazin Blake“ wurde, wie auch die zehn Vorgänger, in den USA erfolgreich auf seinem eigenen Label „SameRoomRecords“ veröffentlicht. Am 16. Januar erscheint nun das Album auf dem Label Songs & Whispers.
Mit mehr als 200 Livekonzerten jährlich, hat Blake die USA aber auch Europa mehrfach erfolgreich betourt. Im Rahmen seiner Auftritte, schafft er es, die Erzähltradition des Folks mit der Unmittelbarkeit des Punks zu einem ganz besonderen Live-Erlebnis zu verschmelzen.
In einer ihm eigenen Kombination aus Text, Musik und Bühnenpräsenz werden seine Konzerte zu intensiven Performances. Für den CIRCUIT 01/2014 wird Blake von Thomas Deakin am Horn begleitet. Der begeisterte Blas-Instrumentalist verleiht Blakes Musik noch eine extra Portion Emotionalität und Melodik.
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Influences: Richard Manning, Billy Bragg, Ani Difranco, Arlo Guthrie, Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Lou Reed, John Steinbeck, Henry Miller, Philip Roth
“Blake being a master of stage presence and completely at ease, he was capable of bringing the crowd to a complete silence. His ability to make a story out of a moment, a moment every audience member is a part of no less, is the one of the best forms of concert entertainment I’ve ever experienced.”
- Jess, Sunsetintherearview.com
- Jess, Sunsetintherearview.com
“Put it all down in a letter' exudes an unpredictable and sometimes dangerous charm.”
- Dan Bolles, 7 Days (Vermont)
“An astute stream of consciousness whirlwind.”
- Jon Colcord, WSCS Out of the Woods.
--------------------------------------------------------------- - Dan Bolles, 7 Days (Vermont)
“An astute stream of consciousness whirlwind.”
- Jon Colcord, WSCS Out of the Woods.
Please find our Soundcloud playlist of CIRCUIT 01/2015 here:
Please find our Google + album of CIRCUIT 01/2015 here:
Please find our YouTube playlist of CIRCUIT 01/2015 here:
Upcoming Shows:
Please find our tourdiary of CIRCUIT 01/2015 here: