„SONGS & WHISPERS“ – Circuit 05/2015
Cassie Graves is a female artist from London with a passion for quirky fashions and anything different. Working with everybody from drag queens to rappers with equal vigour, Cassie’s versatility, and love for raw sounds, is what sets her apart from your average pop star. Making her name on the London jazz circuit a few years ago as “the new Amy Winehouse”, Cassie is currently working on her debut album. Working heavily in both the electronic and the raw soul sides of pop, she has been featured on international radio and in the UK media.
Please find our Google + album of CIRCUIT 05/2015 here:
Please find our YouTube playlist of CIRCUIT 05/2015 here:
Upcoming Shows:
Please find our tourdiary of CIRCUIT 05/2015 here:
Cassie Graves (London, GB) |
German version -------------------------------
Cassie Graves Leidenschaft für außergewöhnliche Mode und alles Eigenartige spiegelt sich auch in ihrer Musik wider.
Ihre Vielseitigkeit und Liebe zu einfachen Sounds hebt sie vom durchschnittlichen Popsternchen ab. Graves Fokus liegt sowohl auf der elektronischen als auch der akustischen, souligen Seite der Popmusik. Nachdem sie im Rahmen des „London Jazz Circuit“ von Kritikern als „die neue Amy Winehouse“ gelobt wurde, arbeitet Cassie Graves nun an ihrem Debutalbum.
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Nashville, TN singer/ songwriter Adam Burrows creates unpretentious folk music that invites the listener to pay attention to the beauty found in everyday life. His songs are reminiscent of easy conversation and draw the listener in by celebrating simple moments and embracing those moments that are fleeting.
Influences: Amy Winehouse, Jill Scott, SWV, 702, TLC, D'angelo
“Hailing from the UK, Cassie Graves is a young, busty, (currently) blonde, unique fashionista with soulful pipes and a jazzy overtone. A quirky girl that has performed along drag queens and the like, maybe one day she can hop on a plane from London and come serenade Charlotte’s Shiprocked for a night. One can only hope… Be sure to check out her ReverbNation! But in the meantime, watch her video for “Heartbreak (Without You)” and see what makes this girl stand out amongst the crowd. With a catchy chorus that sticks, you’ll be humming this song for the rest of the day.”
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ADAM BURROWS (Tennessee, USA) www.adamburrows.com |
Adam’s newest album, Forward, was released in May of 2014, following up Tall Tales and Never One for Silence. He spent last year touring extensively,
including as a support artist for Australian singer/songwriter, Stu Larsen. He visited some of the top venues in North America and is excited to be touring again.
German version -------------------------------
Singer-Songwriter Adam Burrows kreiert unaufgesetzte Folkmusik, die den Hörer einlädt, die Schönheit im Alltäglichen zu entdecken. Seine Lieder zelebrieren simple Momente und halten das Flüchtige fest. Musik voll ehrlicher Nostalgie.
„Forward“, Burrows neuestes Album, erschien im Mai 2014 und folgt damit „Tall Tales“ und „Never One For Silence“. Er tourte das Jahr über intensiv und bespielte einige der Top Venues in Nordamerika. Hinzu kommt noch ein Auftritt als Support des australischen Singer-Songwriters Stu Larsen. Im Mai dieses Jahres wird im Rahmen des Songs & Whispers-CIRCUITS Nordwestdeutschland besuchen.
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Influences: Loudon Wainwright III, Bruce Springsteen, John Prine, Paul Simon, Bob Dylan
“It’s cliche and over-written when a new songwriter is hailed as the new Dylan,
but when you’re the best thing I might have heard since an early Springsteen,
you have much to live up to, at least in my head.”
Mojo Len, Skunk Magazine
“Adam Burrows’ vocal inflections, lyrics, and instrumental orchestrations remind
me of Paul Simon’s masterpiece, ‘Hearts and Bones.'”
Steven Stone, Audiophile Review
“I’d go so far as to say he holds his own against any of the best contemporary
folk troubadors you might mention.”
Randy Baker, The East Bank
Please find our Soundcloud playlist of CIRCUIT 05/2015 here
Please find our Google + album of CIRCUIT 05/2015 here:
Please find our YouTube playlist of CIRCUIT 05/2015 here:
Upcoming Shows:
Please find our tourdiary of CIRCUIT 05/2015 here: