Hafen Casino Gig & Weser TV Recordings

As the part time tourphotographer for this Circuit 1/2012 with Adam Donen, Gillian Grassie and Stephan Honig I had the pleasure to take photos during theyr gig at Hafen Casino Bremen and the day after while theyr where recorderd and interviewed by RadioWeser TV.
Besides I took photos while Adam was practicing with some students from a school which is making a project with and about him.
The Hafen Casino is a nice little venue with a surprisingly big crowd that attended the concert.
SONGS & WHISPERS is arranging concerts in there since ages (the label just had his 3rd birthday!) once a month.

Even the private insight into the artists flat that SONGS & WHISPERS is offering to the musiscians on tour was possible for me.

So here are the promised photographs - you will find more updates regulary on my webpage www.tabeaborchardt.com and previews of the documentary also in this TOURDIARY.

Adam with the students.

"A pleasure at it's finest"

Adam and the students performing a song on stage.


Gillian Grassie

Backstage practicing @ RadioWeser TV

Tuning the harp.