„SONGS & WHISPERS“ – Circuit 12/2011
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HOWLIN’ LORD (Bristol, UK)
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HOWLIN’ LORD (Bristol, UK)
Mark Legassick aka Howlin' Lord has been writing and performing alone or with a revolving cast of musicians and friends across the UK and Ireland since 2006. His heartworn yet poetically sharp songwriting has drawn comparisons from Bob Dylan and Justin Townes Earle to The Gun Club and Neil Young's Crazy Horse and his first full length album, 'GOLD FURY' has delighted critics and audiences alike. Legassik will be on tour together with Mark Lectic, the Keyboarder of the collective band Crippled Black Phoenix.
A veteran of the UK festival circuit, this year saw Howlin' Lord play no less than four shows at Glastonbury2011 as well as a string of other festivals and indoor shows across the summer alternating between a full Electric country band (with Mark Furnevall on bass and Thomas Elgie on Drums) and the kind of solo folk singer who could slip comfortably into the New York Coffee shop scene of the early 60's.
Influences: Hank Williams Snr, The Velvet Underground, The Carter Family, Gillian Welch, Townes Van Zandt, Danzig era Misfits, Johnny Cash, The Avett Brothers, Woodie Guthrie, Ramblin' Jack Elliot, Doc Boggs, Bill Monroe, The Rolling Stones, Black Flag, The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, The Knitters, The Gun Club
Show recorded Monday, 19.12.2011 @ LIVING - ROOMS (Bremen, D)
The real thing... killer song writing' Americana UK
'This could be the best album of 2011' Maverick Magazine
Ralegh Long is an English Singer-Songwriter, guitarist and pianist. He has been celebrated for his ability to place ‘the enigmatic within the classically melodic’. His debut release - Sprawl – shows a distinctive artist, informed as much by classic songwriting as by improvisational tactics. He has been compared to cult luminaries such as Robyn Hitchcock and Epic Soundtracks
Ralegh Long (London, UK)

2011 has seen Ralegh on the road supporting Thomas White (Electric Soft Parade) and Darren Hayman (ex-Hefner). A second E.P will be released early 2012.
Ralegh has also produced and contributed material to the soundtrack for Black Pond, a new feature film starring Simon Amstell and Chris Langham.
Influences: Epic Soundtracks, The Carpenters, Giant Sand, Darren Hayman, Harry Nilsson, Prefab Sprout, Robyn Hitchcock, Mark Eitzel, Rotifer, Allo Darlin'
Ralegh Long - Sprawl by Ralegh Long
"S&W" - CIRCUIT 12/2011 by "SONGS & WHISPERS"
German version
Der aus London stammende Ralegh Long, Gitarrist und Songwriter präsentiert im Rahmen des CIRCUIT 12/2011 sein erstes Album „SPRAWL“, welches im Juni 2011 in Großbritannien erschienen ist. Live erhält Long Unterstützung von Will Lamport und Richard Ellis. Seine Musik lässt sich grob in den Bereich Folk und Indie Pop einordnen. Ralegh Long beitzt die Fähigkeit, etwas Rätselhaftes in klassische Melodien zu integrieren; er kombiniert Klavier mit Gitarre und zurückhaltende Rhythmen mit Drums.
Show recorded Tuesday 20.12.2011 @ HAFEN CASINO (Bremen, D)
Please find our full PLAYLISTS of CIRCUIT 12/2011 here!
"S&W" - CIRCUIT 12/2011 by "SONGS & WHISPERS"
„SONGS & WHISPERS“ – Circuit 12/2011
German version
HOWLIN’ LORD (Bristol, UK)
Hinter dem Namen HOWLIN’ LORD verbirgt sich Mark Legassick aus Bristol, der seit 2006 solo, aber auch in größeren Formationen in Großbritannien und Irland auftritt. Legassik wird im Rahmen des CIRCUIT 12/2011 live unterstützt von Mark Lectic, dem Keyboarder des Bandkollektivs Crippled Black Phoenix. Howlin Lords Musik bewegt sich zwischen den Genres Country, Americana, Folk und Psychedelic und wird beeinflusst von Größen wie Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan oder The Eagles.
HOWLIN’ LORD war 2011 unter anderem auf dem Glastonbury Festival zu sehen und stellt im Rahmen des CIRCUIT 12/2011 sein aktuelles Album ‚GOLD FURY’ vor.
‘Country rock’n’roll with a world weary authority’ NEW ALBUM 'GOLD FURY' OUT 31st MARCH 2011 ‘In keeping with the spirit of Hank Williams, bleak, broken and classy.’ **** Venue Magazine
Einflüsse: Hank Williams Snr, The Velvet Underground, The Carter Family, Gillian Welch, Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, The Eagles
Ralegh Long (London, UK)

Long war bereits auf Tour als Support von Thomas White und Darren Hayman und steuerte außerdem eigenes Material zu dem Soundtrack für den Film „Black Pond“ bei. Ein weiteres Album soll Anfang 2012 veröffentlicht werden.
Einflüsse: Epic Soundtracks, The Carpenters, Giant Sand, Darren Hayman, Harry Nilsson, Prefab Sprout, Robyn Hitchcock, Mark Eitzel, Rotifer, Allo Darlin'