„SONGS & WHISPERS“ – Circuit 11/2011
CIRCUIT 11/2011 Part 2:
Si Jubb (UK)
“To be honest, as a reader I'm not keen. The bits that are about your music are quite insipid, and the whole relies too much on cliché: "nagging self-doubt", "constant striving", "won't save your life, but" are all phrases that get used so much they're pretty much idiomatic. What I mean is, the piece should be unique and more reflective of you. It should have some imaginative and memorable turns of phrase and stylistic flow, like your music, rather than rolling out hackneyed compliments. Your sound is vibrant, inventive, energised – it needs words that mirror that. Not too sure about the language regarding the band, either – partners in crime, unshackled constraints, courses being navigated. It's music, not the Amistad. Keep down the grandiosity, pump up the Jubb. Sorry if this is c**tishly critical and unhelpful. Which has now put me in the awkward position of making out I know best. When I don't.”
Influences: Dylan, Bragg, Taylor, Curtis, Simon, Stevens, Reed, Dury, Costello, Jackson, Springsteen, Pekar, Crumb, Fagen, Mozza.
Adam Donen (London, UK)
Already at the age of six, the South African declaimed poems by William Blake and Samuel Taylor to the ANC freedom fighters in the maximum security prison Pollsmoor. He studied literature in England and eventually started his first project: 2006-07 his band Alexandria Quartet toured all over Great Britain. After this time, he more and more focused on folk / alternative and gained new ideas to write new texts and poems. It convinces with a mixture of classical pieces, accompanied by his singing and guitar play, piano, bass and harmonica. Whether William Shakespeare, Sylvia Plath, or Bob Dylan, his music is a harmonious combination of alternative, classical music and literature and will be presented in an explosive performance. The album Immortality was produced in London by Robert Harder (Kylie Minogue, Herbie Hancock, Babyshambles, Brian Eno, David Byrne).
The follow-up to Immortality, called Vampires will be released at the beginning of 2012.
Influences: Nick Cave, Lou Reed, Tom Waits
Influences: Nick Cave, Lou Reed, Tom Waits
The monotrol kid started in October 2008. Belgian Singer songwriter, Erik took inspiration from his many travels to Dublin, New York and London and his first single 'Almost' was released in February 2009. "Almost" is a gentle song with a nostalgic feel and great acoustic sound, a taste of what was to come. "An earthy, acoustic, pop song on a backdrop created in the style of the better song smiths". The Good Ship, London. During 2009, Erik worked on the creation of his EP, 'today was a good day', a collection of five songs that will carry you away and take you to a place where vocals and acoustic guitars come alive and eclectic, poetic lyrics echo the emotions of the monotrol kid. Joined by vocalist Anne on "her song", the monotrol kid has mastered the art of two voices and some great sounds that take you on a journey that just makes you feel good. The monotrol kid has performed in Arinsal, Andorra, The Purty kitchen (Dublin), het Depot (Leuven) and has supported Albert Niland (IRL), Stace Gill (IRL), and Buurman (BEL). The monotrol kid debut EP, 'today was a good day' will be presented at "The Good Ship" in London, 289 Kilburn High Road on the 26th of September.
On November 25th his new album “What About The Finches” will be released by “SONGS & WHISPERS”.
Influences: The Jayhawks, Golden smog, Wilco, The Band, Woody Guthrie, r.e.m., David Gray
“An earthy, acoustic, pop song on a backdrop created in the style of the better song smiths”. The Good Ship, London
„SONGS & WHISPERS“- Circuit 11/2011
CIRCUIT 11/2011 Part 1:
Si Jubb (UK)
Si Jubb - ein Singer-Songwriter aus dem Süden Englands. Wer nun an Barhocker und traurig-schöne Lieder denkt, liegt falsch. Ausgestattet mit E-Gitarre und Energie liefert der 26Jährige eine ganz besondere Bühnenshow. Seine Musik haut einfach um. Sich selbst beschreibt er als brutal ehrlich und das sind auch seine Songs, die von den Punkgrößen der 80er Jahre beeinflusst sind.
Für Freunde von: Dylan, Bragg, Taylor, Curtis, Simon, Stevens, Reed, Dury, Costello, Jackson, Springsteen, Pekar, Crumb, Fagen, Mozza.
Garfields Birthday (Weymouth / UK)
Endlich ist das dritte Album "More sense than money“ der britischen Band erschienen. Wie gewohnt ist wieder feinster pop-rock zu hören. Die Band Garfields Birthday wurde 1995 von Simon Felton (Vocals und Bass), seinem Bruder Shane(Gitarre und Vocals) und Drummer Adrian Payne gegründet. Die Künstler werden von der internationalen Presse als bestgehütetes Geheimnis des Power-Pop-Genre gefeiert.
"I would encourage all lovers of smart Brit-pop to take a listen." Bill Holmes (Bill's Music Forum, USA)
CIRCUIT 11/2011 Part 2
Si Jubb (UK)
Si Jubb - ein Singer-Songwriter aus dem Süden Englands. Wer nun an Barhocker und traurig-schöne Lieder denkt, liegt falsch. Ausgestattet mit E-Gitarre und Energie liefert der 26Jährige eine ganz besondere Bühnenshow. Seine Musik haut einfach um. Sich selbst beschreibt er als brutal ehrlich und das sind auch seine Songs, die von den Punkgrößen der 80er Jahre beeinflusst sind.
Für Freunde von: Dylan, Bragg, Taylor, Curtis, Simon, Stevens, Reed, Dury, Costello, Jackson, Springsteen, Pekar, Crumb, Fagen, Mozza.
Adam Donen (London, UK)
Adam Donen stammt aus Südafrika, wo er im Alter von nur sechs Jahren im Hochsicherheitsgefängnis Pollsmoor Gedichte von William Blake und Samuel Taylor den ANC Freiheitskämpfern vortrug. Er studierte in England Literatur und startete schließlich sein erstes Projekt: seine Band Alexandria Quartet tourte zuletzt 2006/07 durch Großbritannien. Nach dieser Zeit wendete er sich vermehrt dem Folk / Alternative zu und sammelte hierzu neue Ideen um neue Texte und Gedichte zu schreiben. Er überzeugt durch eine Mischung aus klassischen Stücken, die neben seinem Gesang von Gitarre, Piano, Bass und Mundharmonika begleitet werden. Ob William Shakespeare, Sylvia Plath oder Bob Dylan, in Adam Donen’s Stücken finden sich Folk, Alternative, Klassik und Literatur in stimmiger Kombination und werden in einer explosiven Performance präsentiert. Das Album Immortality wurde in London von Robert Harder (u.a. Kylie Minogue, Herbie Hancock, Babyshambles, Brian Eno, David Byrne), produziert.
Für Freunde von: Nick Cave, Lou Reed, Tom Waits
“This really is a fine album, rich in words and rather beautiful tunes" - Organ magazine
The Monotrol Kid (Brüssel, BE)
Im September 2008 begann Erik van den Broeck mit seinem ersten Soloprojekt, „The Monotrol Kid“.
Mit einer Handvoll Songs und der Hilfe von Piet Martens schrieb er die ersten Titel von fünf Songs nieder, die die Wiederkehr zu der einfachen und ehrlichen Kraft des Songwritings und das wahre Talent des „Monotrol Kid“ zeigen. Ein neuer Sänger/Songwriter war geboren. Ein Jahr später wurden Londons Clubs Zeuge seiner ersten EP.
Seitdem hat das Aufnehmen für die darauf Folgenden begonnen. Erik ist wieder unterwegs um neue Inspirationen zu finden – diejenige, die man durch das Spielen von Gigs, Herumreisen und durch das Treffen von neuen Menschen bekommt. Dabei reichen seine Stimme und seine Gitarre aus, um das Publikum zu überzeugen.
Am 25.11.2011 erscheint das Album „What About The Finches“.
Für Freunde von: The Jayhawks, Golden smog, Wilco, The Band, Woody Guthrie, r.e.m., David Gray
“An earthy, acoustic, pop song on a backdrop created in the style of the better song smiths”. The Good Ship, London.
“To be honest, as a reader I'm not keen. The bits that are about your music are quite insipid, and the whole relies too much on cliché: "nagging self-doubt", "constant striving", "won't save your life, but" are all phrases that get used so much they're pretty much idiomatic. What I mean is, the piece should be unique and more reflective of you. It should have some imaginative and memorable turns of phrase and stylistic flow, like your music, rather than rolling out hackneyed compliments. Your sound is vibrant, inventive, energised – it needs words that mirror that. Not too sure about the language regarding the band, either – partners in crime, unshackled constraints, courses being navigated. It's music, not the Amistad. Keep down the grandiosity, pump up the Jubb. Sorry if this is c**tishly critical and unhelpful. Which has now put me in the awkward position of making out I know best. When I don't.”
CIRCUIT 11/2011 Part 1:
Si Jubb (UK)

Influences: Dylan, Bragg, Taylor, Curtis, Simon, Stevens, Reed, Dury, Costello, Jackson, Springsteen, Pekar, Crumb, Fagen, Mozza.
Garfields Birthday (Weymouth, UK)
In the 1990s, founding members James Laming and Simon Felton were listening to bands like Teenage Fanclub and others that would become labelled "Brit-pop" and realised that British guitar music was undergoing a bit of a renaissance. In March 2005 they went into a studio in Bristol to record a new single called ‘Mr Newton’.
The Mr Newton EP was released by German label Dandyland Records in March 2006 and had its official launch gig back at The Cavern Club. It was their third appearance in as many years on the famous Liverpool stage! A further surge of activity resulted in 2008’s acclaimed album, Let Them Eat Cake, which won them many new admirers both sides of the Atlantic and also kept the loyal fans smiling. Incredibly, 14 years after forming the band and with “Brit-pop” seeming like a very long time ago, new guitarist Leighton McGrath joined and almost immediately they were off to Germany for a highly successful acoustic tour, playing 13 shows in 11 days! Their latest album, More Sense Than Money, was officially released in November 2010, garnering their best reviews to date! Garfields Birthday will be heading back to Germany once again late in 2011 for the "SONGS & WHISPERS" - CIRCUIT, performing as an acoustic duo comprising front-man Simon Felton (vocals/bass) and Leighton McGrath (guitar)!