„SONGS & WHISPERS“ – Circuit 06/2015
Jenn Bostic is a Minnesota native, currently residing in Nashville, Tennessee. Her emotive songwriting and powerful vocals have been touching hearts around the world.Jealous of the Angels, a song written for her late father, allowed her to connect and empathize with her fans in a remarkable way.
Tiffany Thompson’s music travels between the acoustic folk and electronic pop worlds. But her smooth, emotional vocal and honest lyrics are always the center of her artistry.
German version -------------------------------
I Am Love was a big folk-gypsy band. But now it's turned into something that can do all of that and more with less members.
Please find our Google + album of CIRCUIT 06/2015 here:
Please find our YouTube playlist of CIRCUIT 06/2015 here:
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Please find our tour diary of CIRCUIT 06/2015 here:
Jealous of the Angels, produced by Barrett Yeretsian was discovered by Smooth Radio’s Simon Bates, where the song immediately jumped into the station's Top 10 Most Played. The song was soon playlisted on BBC Radio 2, and after a live performance on BBC Breakfast it went #1 in the UK.
In 2012, Bostic received 5 Independent Country Music Association Awards including "Best Female Artist," and "Best Songwriter.” She has performed across the United States, as well as the United Kingdom, including venues such as The Grand Ole Opry, The Ryman Auditorium, and Jazz at Lincoln Center, and has opened for artists such as The Band Perry, Randy Travis and Christian Kane.
June 1, 2015, Bostic will release her third album entitled "Faithful.
German version -------------------------------
Die vielfach mit dem Independent Country Music Association Award ausgezeichnete Singer/Songwriterin Jenn Bostic berührt mit gefühlsgeladenen Liedern und ihrer kraftvollen Stimme die Herzen von Hörern in der ganzen Welt. Aufgewachsen in Minnesota, war sie in jungen Jahren noch Fan von Christina Aguilera und Britney Spears. Erst beim Studium am Berklee Colloege of Music in Boston, entdeckte sie ihre Liebe zur Country Musik. Ins Rampenlicht rückte sie schließlich ihr Song „Jealous of the Angels“, ein Song, der sich mit dem Tod ihres Vaters beschäftigt. Ein britischer Radiosender entdeckte ihn auf YouTube. Kurz darauf erreichte „Jealous of the Angels“ #1 der UK Charts. Im Juni 2015 veröffentlich Jenn Bostic ihr drittes Album, „Faithful“.
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Influences: Bonnie Raitt, Eva Cassidy, Sara Bareilles, Sarah McLachlan
“Star in the Making” - Daily Mirror
“Extraordinary and beautiful.” – Telegraph U.K.
“A fresh take on alt country.” – Uncut
“Remarkable songwriter, with vocal prowess to match.” – Entertainment Focus
“Bostic deserves great success and on the strength of this album, she’ll achieve it.” – Music Fix
“With her powerful voice, emotive songwriting and infectious personality, Jenn Bostic holds a natural talent that has left live audiences stunned in wonderment and yearning for more.” – The Music Press
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TIFFANY THOMPSON (Nashville, USA) www.tiffanythompsonmusic.com |
Tiffany Thompson’s music travels between the acoustic folk and electronic pop worlds. But her smooth, emotional vocal and honest lyrics are always the center of her artistry.
Tiffany has released 4 records: Tiffany Thompson (EP 2009), We Are The Dreamers (EP 2011), Unplugged (LP 2012) and One Voice (LP 2012); and toured extensively in the United States as well as Germany, Prague, Budapest and London.
Her musical exploration reflects a traveling spirit she’s had since living as a child in Moscow, Russia. In summer 2014, Tiffany moved to Nashville, TN to focus on songwriting and to immerse herself in that creative community.
Tiffany’s solo performance is an intimate experience of story telling and song. Playing both guitar and piano, Tiffany entertains audiences of all ages with a dynamic set that brings tears to your eyes and a smile to your heart. Mit ihrer Musik bewegt sich Tiffany Thompson irgendwo zwischen akustischem Folk und elektronischem Pop. Ihre sanfte, gefühlvolle Stimme und die ehrlichen Texte stehen dabei stets im Mittelpunkt ihrer Kunst.
Thompson verbrachte Ihre Kindheit in Moskau. Nun lebt sie in Nashville, wo sie sich ganz auf ihr Songwriting zu konzentrieren kann. Mittlerweile hat sie zwei Alben und zwei EPs veröffentlicht: Tiffany Thompson (EP 2009), We Are The Dreamers (EP 2011), Unplugged (LP 2012) und One Voice (LP 2012). Mit diesen im Gepäck ist Thompson intensiv durch Amerika sowie Deutschland, Prag, Budapest und London getourt.
Ihre Solokonzerte sind intime Erlebnisse – ob an der Gitarre oder am Klavier schafft es Thompson immer, den Hörern Tränen in die Augen zu treiben und ein Lächeln in die Herzen zu zaubern.
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Influences: Coldplay, U2, Regina Spektor, Norah Jones, Ellie Goulding, OneRepublic, Adele
Thompson’s music holds the banner of a new generation, a generation that celebrates a joyous present and anticipates an enlightened future. Anger and dissatisfaction are now so commonplace that they attract little attention, and cause even less provocation—they have no place in this wise new world. Instead, Thompson’s textured voice—part crooner, part folkstress—sings of golden dreams and sculpts broken spirits into polished songs of beauty. “I don’t really make [music] just for myself,” she says. “I really love relationships and connecting with people.” - Matt Basheda - NoVa Magazine
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I AM LOVE (Philadelphia, USA) |
Yes, the band has a new sound. But that's due to the three members drawing from their favorite styles of music, and making their own unique musical identity.
Front-man Joshua Christopher's musical tastes lean towards the theatrical, classic indie music, and vaudevillian. Bassist Will Whitmire goes for the heavier stuff like grunge and psychedelic-surf rock, and drummer Kris Jackson's tastes venture into the spacious, melody-driven, rhythmic, and anything psychedelic. The band's sound is defined by the interweaving of all those genres. “We definitely write songs with a pop/rock formula,” Kris explains. “But the songs themselves are collages of every style of music that we love.”
Front-man Joshua Christopher's musical tastes lean towards the theatrical, classic indie music, and vaudevillian. Bassist Will Whitmire goes for the heavier stuff like grunge and psychedelic-surf rock, and drummer Kris Jackson's tastes venture into the spacious, melody-driven, rhythmic, and anything psychedelic. The band's sound is defined by the interweaving of all those genres. “We definitely write songs with a pop/rock formula,” Kris explains. “But the songs themselves are collages of every style of music that we love.”
The three have known each other for a while which has resulted in them forming a very brotherly love for each other.
“What we're doing is weaving a web of genres that blends innovation through classic styles and movements with the game changing cutting edge of the modern world of music” Kris explains.
German version -------------------------------
Bei I AM LOVE treffen die unterschiedlichsten musikalischen Geschmäcker aufeinander: Während Frontmann Joshua Christopher sich vor allem am Musical und klassischen Indie orientiert, hegt Bassist Will Whitmire eine Vorliebe für Grunge und Surf-Rock. Drummer Kris Jackson mag alles Psychedelische und Rhythmische. Aufgrund dieser Unterschiede entsteht eine für diese Band ganz eigene klangliche Collage. In erster Linie ist der Sound von I AM LOVE als Pop/Rock zu beschreiben, doch die Einflüsse der einzelnen Bandmitglieder sind nicht zu überhören. Die meisten der Texte handeln von Christophers eigenen oft schmerzlichen Erfahrungen, wie zum Beispiel die Vergewaltigung seiner Schwester, der Missbrauch in seiner Kindheit, der Selbstmord eines Freundes. Den Mut, sich selbst in der Musik mit solchen Themen zu konfrontieren fand Christopher nach einem Besuch auf Haiti nach dem Erdbeben 2010.
Erste Erfahrungen sammelte die Band im Osten der Vereinigten Staaten mit Konzerten und Straßenmusik, bevor sie nach vier Jahren ihr erstes Album veröffentlichten. Die „Songs & Whispers“ Tour bestreitet I am Love als Duo bestehend aus Frontman Joshua Christopher und Drummer Kris Jackson.
---------------------------- German version end------------------------------Influences: Tom Waits, The Velvet Underground, Sonic Youth, Fleet Foxes, Bon Iver, and 50’s and 60’s Motown
“i am Love is the Bulls in the 90s, but everybody wears 23 and wins the MVP. It’s an absolutely beautiful project from top to bottom. I can’t call it perfect, but I can call it 4.5 out of 5 stars.”
Look to the Cookie blog
“Every now and then there comes a band that floats between genres, and all you can really say is that the music makes you feel genuinely warm and fuzzy inside — i am Love’s “Pillar of Salt” is a perfect example of that.”
- Nicole Ortiz, The Wild Honeypie (Nov 20, 2014)
Please find our Soundcloud playlist of CIRCUIT 06/2015 here
Please find our Google + album of CIRCUIT 06/2015 here:
Please find our YouTube playlist of CIRCUIT 06/2015 here:
Upcoming Shows:
Please find our tour diary of CIRCUIT 06/2015 here: