'SONGS & WHISPERS'' - CIRCUIT 04/2015 (10.04.2015 – 03.05.2015)

„SONGS & WHISPERS“ – Circuit 04/2015

england-fahneODi is an Irish singer-songwriter who manages to blend elements of Joan Armatrading's pathos, Beth Orton's eye for the quirky and deep with a touch of Dido's bed-sit romance.
In the 6 years since playing her first gig, Irish songstress ODi has played over 600 shows across Ireland, the UK and Germany, supporting the likes of Portico Quartet, Brian Kennedy, Paddy Casey, Luka Bloom and Eleanor McEvoy. In addition, ODi has performed at the 2012 London Olympics and Paralympics (Emerging Icons), Electric Picnic Festival (IRL), and was awarded Best Female Act in 2011 by EMAs (Exposure Music Awards-UK).
With her debut album "Maslow's Songbook" ODi trammels the listener with her distinctive voice and engaging melodies. The album has been playlisted on Irish national radio RTE1 and is already a favourite of BBC Radio 2’s Bob Harris. It will be released on the label Songs & Whispers on 2nd of April, 2015.
On stage ODi will be accompanied by Dave Redfearn on guitar and harmonica.
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Claire Odlum alias ODi begann ihre musikalische Karriere vor sechs Jahren als sie bei ebay eine Gitarre ersteigerte. Seitdem hat die irische Singer/Songwriterin mehr als 600 Konzerte in Irland, Großbritannien und Deutschland gespielt und Größen wie das Portico Quartett, Brian Kennedy oder Eleanor McEvoy supportet. Besondere Highlights waren der UK Exposure Music Award 2011 in der Kategorie „Beste weibliche Sängerin“ und ein Auftritt bei den Olympischen Spielen 2012.
Ihr Debutalbum „Maslow’s Songbook“ erscheint am 2. April auf dem Label Songs & Whispers. Es enthält zwölf fesselnde Songs voller Intensität und viel Wiedererkennungswert, in denen sie Elemente aus Folk, Acoustic, Pop, Rock und Indie kombiniert. 
Odlums Stimme bedient ein breites Spektrum und ist von einer mächtigen, aber auch ergreifenden Qualität. Ein wundervoller Mix aus freundlichem, irisch gefärbtem Gesang und gefühlvollen Refrains, der den Zuschauer berührt und ihn mit einbezieht.
ODi vereint Joan Armatradings Pathos, Beth Ortons Auge für das Schrullige und Didos Romantik zu ihrem eigenen einzigartigen und fesselnden Sound.
Unterstützt wird Odlum auf der Bühne von Dave Redfearn an Gitarre und Harmonika
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Influences: The Frames, Elbow, David Gray, The Beatles, Bruce Springsteen
“Ireland has no shortage of singer-songwriters… from among the masses of hopefuls, dreamers and chancers emerge a few young songwriters with real potential, a willingness to think differently, and who show promise for the future. …One such individual is ODi.”...Kernan Andrews – The Galway Advertiser

“If Maslow's Songbook was Sarah McLachlan's new release it would be hailed as her second coming"...Get Ready To Rock! (5/5)

"A really lovely record" ... Bob Harris (BBC Radio 2)
"ODi has the aura, voice and poise, which provides a musical glow, to every member of the audience. A very special performer now receiving the plaudits she richly deserves."...Leeds Music Scene

ODi’s 'One in a Million' is a honed presentation of folk simplicity’, The Sunday Times

"Wonderfully talented, warm and entertaining. Engaging melodies and total connection with the audience. Fabulous performers and guests."...C.Davies(CIYH)

An authentic grassroots grown troubadour, Gavin Mee left his homeland of Ireland in 2006 equipped with his guitar and debut album (“Breech Birth”) to ply his trade through the theatres, clubs and festivals of Europe.

During his time on the road Gavin has honed his craft and developed a unique style combining intricate finger picked tunes with captivating narratives. These traveled tales of nomadic inclination inspired songs for a second album.
In 2012 Gavin returned to his hometown of Dublin to complete the new album entitled “MeeMantras”. A collaboration with ‘powerpopman and fellow songwriter/producer Duncan Maitland (Picture House, Pugwash).
In 2014 with the release of Meemantras on his own label “Birthings Records” Gavin has just recently completed a hugely successful three week of the U.S..
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Der bodenständige Troubadour Gavin Mee verließ im Jahre 2006 seine Heimat Irland. Ausgerüstet mit einer Gitarre und seinem Debutalbum „Breech Birth“ trägt Mee seine Musik durch die Theater, Clubs und Festivals in ganz Eurpoa. Die Zeit auf Tour verpasste seinem Handwerk den nötigen Feinschliff und so entwickelte er seinen einzigartigen Stil, der komplexes Gitarrenspiel mit packenden Erzählungen kombiniert. 2012 kehrte Mee zurück nach Dublin um sein neues Album zu vollenden. „MeeMantras“ erschien 2014 auf seinem eigenen Label „Birthings Records“. 
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nfluences: Nick Drake,Randy Newman,The Divine Comedy

  ‘Think Harry Nilsson bugged by Beatles with a twist of XTC in this 70's Singer Songwriter meets Powerpop convention- CD Baby on “Meemantras”
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