'SONGS & WHISPERS'' - CIRCUIT 03/2015 (06.03. - 29.03.2015)

„SONGS & WHISPERS“ – Circuit 03/2015

england-fahneMeghan's solo career started 12 years ago, in a Portland, ME -- walking past a local club on Congress street, apparently humming loud enough for the club owner to run out, grab her by the arm and ask her to sing right there on the spot for his guests. Stunned and unprepared, she sang an a'capella tune she had written earlier that day. The club owner asked if she would be willing to play a real set sometime.Through the support of the local scene in a small port city in Maine, Meghan developed a distinctive songwriting style and performance that captures and stuns her audiences. She recorded a few solo albums before she met her husband and bassist, Mordechai Rosenblatt and started The Reverie Machine. The Reverie Machine, along with some phenomenal players recorded and released their debut album Not By Blood in October of 2012, which was well received.  Sam Pfeifle of The Portland Phoenix said about Not By Blood, “This is a music taken straight from your very marrow.” Whether solo, as a duo, or when other players join, the music both uplifts and penetrates the listener. The Reverie Machine have toured across America -- opening for some great acts such as Dark Dark Dark, Marco Benevento, Lady Lamb The Beekeeper, Meklit Hadero, Robert Sarazin Blake, Amanda Rogers, Milagres, and Arborea. They along with some phenomenal players recorded and released their debut album Not By Blood in October of 2012, which was well received. Sophomore album, The Brightest Night, is expected to come out in the Spring of 2015. Live will Maghan and her husband be accompanied by multi-instrumentalist Thomas Deakin, who has recently been on a Songs & Whispers tour with Robert Sarazin Blake in January 2015. 
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Selten hat man eine experimentierfreudigere Musikerin als Meghan Yates gehört. Die Singer/Songwriterin aus Portland bewegt sich irgendwo zwischen Jazz, Folk und Indie und erschafft dadurch ihren ganz eigenen, mitreißenden Stil. Yates Solokarriere begann vor 12 Jahren, als sie vor sich hin summend auf der Straße von einem begeisterten Clubbesitzer entdeckt wurde, der sie bat, etwas spontan und a capella zu präsentieren. Nach der Veröffentlichung einiger Soloalben traf sie ihren Bassisten und späteren Ehemann Mordechai Rosenblatt, mit dem sie „The Reverie Machine“ gründete. 2012 veröffentlichten sie das Debutalbum „Not by Blood“, mit dem sie durch ganz Amerika tourten, unter anderem als Opener für Dark Dark Dark oder Robert Sarazin Blake.
Aktuell arbeitet die Band an der zweiten Veröffentlichung, „The Brightest Night“, die im Frühjahr 2015 erscheinen soll.
Live erhält das Ehepaar Unterstützung vom Multi-Instrumentalisten Thomas Deakin - dieser erweiterte zuletzt Robert Sarazin Blakes Set während des Songs & Whispers Circuit 01/2015.
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Influences: Paul Simon, Joni Mitchell, Tori Amos, Fela Kuti, Bjork, Innocence Mission, Altan, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Robert Sarazin Blake, Nick Drake, Nina Simone, Sarah Vaughn, Gabriel Rodriguez.
“(Meghan) has such an ease about her as a performer that one doesn’t often experience. It’s apparent how present she is and how unhesitatingly truthful. Such rare traits. Her writing, singing, voice, music is ready for more ears and hearts.”
— Jay Jasch of The Red Curtain Series
“Meghan Yates simply sings from an otherworldly place that I can only describe as delicate trembling thunder. In fact, her voice is so arresting that the lyrics often seem like they’re being sung in some long lost tongue. ”
— William Ethridge of Eternal Otter Records
england-fahneAfter a year of gigs with debut single "Discount on guns" and then released EP "Escape the looney bin" through Record Union. It's been an inspiring year, both on stage and with meticulous work in the studio.
It starts with the idol giving them a first instrument. Three friends are spellbound listening to the band they’d travelled to see, realize what's about to happen. On stage, the singer gets the idea to throw his blue tambourine flying out over the huge crowd. It hovers away, towards them, lands in separate hands of the trio. Now this Arcade Fire singer's blue tambourine lives in Caravan Cult's since then busy rehearsal room in Uppsala. After they'd drew their first chords ever. It must have been intentional...
During Songs & Whispers Circuit 03/2014 the band’s tavelparty will range from a trio to a quartet.
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Hypnotische Melodien, Harmonien, die Gänsehaut hervorrufen und die Fähigkeit, mit Worten und ausgefeilten musikalischen Arrangements verzauberte Landschaften zu beschwören, das sind die besonderen Merkmale der schwedischen Band Caravan Cult. Die fünf Schweden aus Uppsala bieten fesselnden Alternative Pop/Rock mit dem sie in die Fußstapfen von Größen wie Sigur Ros oder The National treten. Inspiriert von einem blauen Tamburin, das sie bei einem Konzert ihres größten Vorbilds Arcade Fire von deren Sänger bekamen, wurde Caravan Cult vor etwas mehr als einem Jahr gegründet. Mittlerweile hat die Band die Debut-Single "Discount on Guns" und die von Kritikern hoch gelobte EP "Escape the looney bin" (Record Union) veröffentlich.Auf der Songs & Whispers Circuit 03/2015 Tour schwankt die Besetzung von Caravan Cult vom Trio, bis hin zum Quartett.
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Influences: Bon Iver, Other Lives, Sigur Ros, Hans Zimmer, Kent, Daughter, The National, Rymdlego, Helios, Radiohead, Arcade Fire
"It is the heart and pain and songs that echo the desolate landscape and a yearning for connection . They began in earnest for a little more than a year ago also sounds a little too good. If they have one like this seamless sound even now it is difficult to see the limits of how far they can go." Andreas Jakobson, ERGO 4/5
Please find our Soundcloud playlist of CIRCUIT 03/2015 here:

Please find our Google + album of CIRCUIT 03/2015 here:


Please find our YouTube playlist of CIRCUIT 03/2015 here:

Upcoming Shows:

Please find our tourdiary of CIRCUIT 03/2015 here: