Drew Davis has been performing live since she was 11-years-old and began writing music when she was 6-years-old. Now, at just 24, Drew has developed her talents to become an incredible singer and songwriter. Throughout her career, fans have compared her talent to that of a young Grace Potter, Patty Griffin, Fiona Apple and Brandi Carlile. The combination of her heartfelt original compositions and soulful power vocals has the ability to make any room instantly silent.
At the early age of 14, Drew was the youngest musician ever to play at National Women’s Music Festival. She released her first full-length album when she was only 11-years-old (released in 2001), and now has two albums out on iTunes and other online mediums. Her first, “Traffic,” was released at the end of 2008. Her newest album, “Old, Old Heart,” was released in November of 2012.
Drew is currently working on her third album, set to be released in early August of 2014.
Her music has been used on several MTV shows including “The Hills,” “When I Was 17,” “Made,” “Snooki & JWoww,” “True Life” and more. Her most popular song from her first album “Not the Same,” was placed in the season two premiere of Showtime’s “The Real L Word” the French series “Foudre,” and the Mexican series “Infames.
Throughout the years, Drew has played many shows at several reputable venues across the United States. She has performed at Austin's SXSW festival unofficially the past three years, and she released a Daytrotter Session in November of 2013. She is very excited to be touring in Europe this September.
Drew is based in Austin, TX and identifies herself as an Austin musician. Currently, however, Drew is embarking on a year-long national and international tour.
Because Drew is still so young, it’s hard to say the direction her music will take in the future. What is not hard to predict, however, is the success and recognition her music is sure to achieve if placed into the right hands.
After bouncing between Washington DC, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, Echo Bloom’s founder, Kyle Evans eventually caught the muse he was searching for in Berlin. Completely submerged in the German culture, Evans found inspiration in dusty libraries along the Spree and long, quiet bike rides through the city. He holed up in an apartment and woodshedded for months, the seclusion allowing him the perfect environment to completely focus on his work. After a few months, he left Germany with material for three records. Because each album seemed to fit into slightly different genres, Evans began thinking about them as different seasons, different countries and finally, different colors. 'Blue' would be the more folk-oriented of the group, 'Red' would be more country rock, and 'Green' would be more classic pop.
Please find our Google + album of CIRCUIT 09/2014 here:
Please find our YouTube playlist of CIRCUIT 09/2014 here:
Upcoming Shows:
Please find our tourdiary of CIRCUIT 09/2014 here:
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At the early age of 14, Drew was the youngest musician ever to play at National Women’s Music Festival. She released her first full-length album when she was only 11-years-old (released in 2001), and now has two albums out on iTunes and other online mediums. Her first, “Traffic,” was released at the end of 2008. Her newest album, “Old, Old Heart,” was released in November of 2012.
Drew is currently working on her third album, set to be released in early August of 2014.
Her music has been used on several MTV shows including “The Hills,” “When I Was 17,” “Made,” “Snooki & JWoww,” “True Life” and more. Her most popular song from her first album “Not the Same,” was placed in the season two premiere of Showtime’s “The Real L Word” the French series “Foudre,” and the Mexican series “Infames.
Throughout the years, Drew has played many shows at several reputable venues across the United States. She has performed at Austin's SXSW festival unofficially the past three years, and she released a Daytrotter Session in November of 2013. She is very excited to be touring in Europe this September.
Drew is based in Austin, TX and identifies herself as an Austin musician. Currently, however, Drew is embarking on a year-long national and international tour.
Because Drew is still so young, it’s hard to say the direction her music will take in the future. What is not hard to predict, however, is the success and recognition her music is sure to achieve if placed into the right hands.
German version -------------------------------
Drew Davis Talent zeigt sich schon sehr früh – im zarten Alter von sechs Jahren schreibt sie erste Songs, nur fünf Jahre später vollendet sie ihr erstes Album und präsentiert die Songs mit dem Charisma einer Vollblut-Texanerin auf der Bühne.
Mit 14 Jahren tritt sie als bisher jüngste Künstlerin beim National Women’s Music Festival auf. Heute ist die 24-jährige eine Singer-Songwriterin, die in der Lage ist, mit der Kombination ihrer kraftvollen Stimme und gefühlsbetonten Kompositionen das Publikum zum Schweigen zu bringen. Oft wird sie mit der jungen Grace Potter, Fiona Apple oder Brandi Carlile verglichen.
Davis Musik wurde mehrfach in Sendungen des Musik-Senders MTV, sowie in Showtime oder ABC TV-Serien und zur Untermalung von Filmtrailern verwendet.
2008 wurde das Album „Traffic“, veröffentlicht „Old, Old Heart“ folgte 2012.
Im Moment arbeitet Drew Davis an ihrem dritten Album, das noch in diesem Jahr erscheinen soll.
Die Texanerin beschreibt sich selber als „Austin Musikerin“ und legt sich ungern auf nur einen Stil fest: „Ich bin einfach eine „Austin Musiker“, die sich irgendwo zwischen Soul und Americana bewegt.“.
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Influences: Fiona Apple, Van Morrison, Al Green, Ryan Adams, Amos Lee, Patty Griffin
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ECHO BLOOM (New York, USA) www.echobloom.com |
Finally taking root in Brooklyn, Evans drew on his diverse background, including a stint focusing on electro-acoustic recording, a home-grown love of 1960s surf rock, and a deep and abiding passion for Rodgers and Hammerstein musicals to create the intricately layered and carefully composed tracks of Blue. The group continued to blossom into the robust touring ensemble visiting Europe in 2014. That quintet adds Aviva Jaye on alto vocals and piano, Steve Sasso on tenor vocals and banjo, Jason Mattis on bass, and Josh Grove on electric guitar.
German version -------------------------------
Nach endloser Pendelei zwischen Washington D.C., Los Angeles und San Francisco findet Kyle Evans, Gründer von Echo Bloom, letztendlich in und mit Berlin seine Muse. Komplett in deutscher Kultur versunken, lässt er sich von staubigen Bibliotheken an der Spree und langen, einsamen Fahrradtouren durch die Stadt inspirieren. Er schließt sich monatelang in einem Apartment ein und nutzt die Isolation um sich auf seine Arbeit zu fokussieren. Schließlich verlässt er Deutschland mit Material für drei Alben. Da jedes Album für sich in ein anderes Genre passt, beginnt Evans sie als verschiedene Jahreszeiten, verschiedene Länder und schlussendlich als verschiedene Farben zu betrachten. „Blue“ ist das Folk-orientierte Album in der Reihe, „Red“ lässt sich in den Country-Rock einordnen, während „Green“ als klassische Popmusik zu bezeichnen ist.
Schließlich schlägt Evans Wurzeln in Brooklyn und nimmt dort das erste Album „Blue“ auf. Die vielschichtig komponierten und sorgfältig eingespielten Songs spiegeln seine Liebe zum 1960er Surfrock wider und eine tiefe Leidenschaft für Rodgers and Hammerstein-Musicals. Heute ist Echo Bloom das Quintett, mit dem Evans 2014 Europa besuchen wird – Aviva Jaye, Altstimme und Klavier; Steve Sasso, Tenor und Banjo; Jason Mattis, Bass und Josh Grove, E-Gitarre.
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Influences: Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Iron and Wine, Debussy, Kraftwerk, Joni Mitchell, Simon and Garfunkel, Sufjan Stevens
“It’s difficult to adequately describe the spectacular sound Kyle Evans manages to evoke under the moniker of Echo Bloom. Utilizing little more than a grouping of magnificent voices, and coupling them with barebones instrumentation, this ensemble offers proof positive that more can be done with less. Consequently Evans and company provide a stirring and soaring series of songs that can’t be defined by any word other than “awesome.” (…) Clearly, originality is Evans’ strong suit, and with Blue he’s made a masterpiece.”
Lee Zimmerman - No Depression
Please find our Soundcloud playlist of CIRCUIT 09/2014 here:
Please find our Google + album of CIRCUIT 09/2014 here:
Please find our YouTube playlist of CIRCUIT 09/2014 here:
Upcoming Shows:
Please find our tourdiary of CIRCUIT 09/2014 here: