''SONGS & WHISPERS '' - CIRCUIT 02/2014 (31.01.2014 – 23.02.2014)

''SONGS & WHISPERS '' - CIRCUIT 02/2014 (31.01. - 23.02.2014)

 Singer-Songwriter James Cottriall started his career with a bang, rocketing to number 1 in the Austrian charts with his debut single “Unbreakable”. Since then, James has spent over 100 weeks in the Top 40 Charts with 10 charting singles and has also celebrated two Top10 albums.
His latest album “Love is Louder” features the track “One Wish” which is now being played on college radios across America. The album was produced by hit producer Doug Petty, who has worked with the likes of Rihanna, Britney Spears, Enrique Iglesias and many more.
As part of his “Believe” Tour, James opened for Justin Bieber in 2013. He has also supported Bryan Adams on his “Bare Bones Tour”. He has proven himself as an international up-and-coming artist having played over 700 shows to sold out audiences on the scenes of Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA.
The singer has also won or been nominated for several prestigious music awards.
In spring 2014, James is headed to the studio in Los Angeles to work on his third album with his studio band including Alex Al on bass, who played with Michael Jackson, Sergio Gonzalez (Jennifer Lopez) and his studio engineer, Richard Furch, is an 8-time Grammy Winner, having worked with Prince and Usher.
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Der britische Singer-Songwriter und mehrfacher Musik-Award Nominierter James Cottriall ist seit seinem Hit "Unbreakable" ein Fixstern der Musikszene Österreichs, wo er mittlerweile angesiedelt ist. Nach 10 Top 40 Hitsingles und seinem Top 10 Album "Love is Louder" ist er nun auf Europa Tour, bevor es im März 2014 mit dem nächsten Album in Los Angeles ins Studio geht. Mit seinen authentischen Texten und einzigartiger Stimme durfte er schon Musikgrößen wie Bryan Adams und Justin Bieber supporten. Mit über 700 ausverkauften Konzerten in Deutschland, Österreich und den Niederlanden, hat Cottriall sich als vielversprechendes Talent bewiesen.
Als bisheriges Highlight nennt James seinen Auftritt am Donauinselfest 2012: "Ein unglaubliches Gefühl auf die Bühne zu gehen und 80.000 Menschen zuzuhören wie sie meine Songs mit mir singen. Ich fühle mich wie der glücklichste Mensch der Welt."
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Influences: Sting, Michael Jackson, Ed Sheeran, Johnny Cash, Jason Mraz
 "James is destined for greatness, his music is world-class and his voice is outstanding." - Stratford Herald

"This album (Love is Louder) is exactly how music should be, well-written songs, heartfelt lyrics and impeccably produced - 10/10!" - The Midweek


RALEIGH (Calgary, CAN)

Gentle harmonies, subtle time signature changes, and superb arrangements are the hallmarks of this Calgary trio. Meshing intricate rhythms with cello, piano and guitar, Raleigh are as much ear candy as head candy - thoughtful and emotive, restrained but utterly engaging. Unafraid of both straight-up pop hooks, folk traditions and complex song structure, this is a band uniquely shaping their own space in pop and roots music. Raleigh's lush composition draws on the finer elements of earthy folk and chamber pop with delicate melodies that hold the whole thing together. Cello, guitar, drums, and boy - girl duets weave through dynamic, new-style prog-folk resulting in a sound that has been described as "a more thoughtful, elegant indie", and "dynamic, quirky folk." Every song is inflicted with the kind of tragic, rolling beauty that calls to mind effortless grandeur. Since the conception of the band in 2010, Raleigh has toured Canada a handful of times with highlight performances including the Calgary Folk Fest, Salmon Arm Roots & Blues, NXNE and Sled Island, as well as opening slots for Dan Mangan, the Books, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Cold Specks and Snowblink.
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Sanfte Harmonien, feine Taktänderungen und großartige Kompositionen, das ist die Handschrift des Trios aus Calgary, Kanada. Das Ineinandergreifen der unterschiedlichen Rhythmen von Cello, Klavier und Gitarre macht Raleigh zu einem Genuss für Körper und Seele – nachdenklich und emotional, zurückhaltend und dennoch zutiefst fesselnd. Sich über die Grenzen von  geradlinigem Pop, traditioneller Folklore, und komplexen Liedstrukturen hinwegsetzend, schafft sich diese Band ihren eigenen Raum in der Musik. Raleighs Kompositionen verbinden die feinen Elemente bodenständiger Folklore und des Kammer-Pops mit zarten Melodien als Bindeglied. Cello, Gitarre, Schlagzeug und das Zusammenspiel  weiblicher und männlicher Stimmen wiegen sich durch dynamische und progressive Folklore, welche  oftmals als „eleganter Indie“ und „lebendige Folklore“ beschrieben wird. Jeder seiner Songs hat etwas tragisches, eine schwingende Schönheit, die das Bild der unermüdlichen Größe hervorruft.
Seit Gründung  der Band 2010 in Kanada, spielten Raleigh einige Male auf Festivalgrößen wie dem Calory Folk Fest, Salmon Arm Roots & Blues, NXNE und Sled Island, sowie als Vorband für Dan Mangan, the Books, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Cold Specks and Snowblink. 
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 Influences: Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Vijay Iyer, The Growlers, Morphine, Kurt Vile

"A More Thoughtful, Elegant Indie: Raleigh released its debut album, a wondrous opus with original musical motifs in droves. Clea Anais, Brock Geiger, and Matt Doherty blend cello, guitar, and drums to create little gems of aural and literary pulchritude." - the Voice Magazine

"Raleigh create beautifully layered songs that are as delicate as they are sophisticated. Tight vocal harmonies interweave and counterpoint with instrumental arrangements that sound far larger than their lineup might indicate. Geiger and Anais' lyrics are both literate and accessible, creating an entire storybook world where characters are well rounded and familiar, traveling through settings that are all their own." - Beatroute Magazine
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