Nach dem gestrigen Abend, der ja auch wegen der langen Anfahrt nach Lübeck von etwas Anspannung geprägt war, heute ein entspannter, richtig schöner Musikabend im Club Moments in Bremen. Lena Steinbrink mit ihrem fingerflinken und groovestarken Bassistenfreund konnte ihre Stimme entfalten und fing gleich die Zuhörer ein. Inge van Calcar verbreitete mit ihrer Musik Lebensfreude, und auch sie hatte ihren Bassistenfreund mitgebracht - witzig, gleich zweimal so ein "Doppelpack" am Abend. Trotz kleiner technischer Probleme (meine Instrumente wollten dem Mixer kein Signal geben - so ist eben der Unterschied zwischen Wissen und der Wirklichkeit ... aber die Probleme waren gleich gelöst) fand meine Musik auch den Weg zu dem wirklich wunderbaren Publikum. Perfekter Sound und die ganz besondere Club-Atmosphäre haben das ganze für mich zu einem tollen Abend gemacht. Danke an alle, und bis bald, hier oder da!
Yesterday we had more than two hours to drive to Lübeck and two hours back in the night. So this night was a bit tiring for me (I had to drive). Today this was different: relaxed playing music in a wonderful venue, the Club Moments in Bremen. First Lena Steinbrink, with a great voice and accompanied by her friend and bass-player, catching the audience at once. Then Inge van Calcar with her joyful music, also accompanied by her friend and bassplayer. Funny, two times a female singer with her bassplayer-friend on stage ! My instruments at first were not willing to send a signal to the mixer - damned! But after fixing these things my music could find the way to the wonderful audience as well. A greeat evening in the special sphere of Club Moments. Thanks to all, and see you!
Yesterday we had more than two hours to drive to Lübeck and two hours back in the night. So this night was a bit tiring for me (I had to drive). Today this was different: relaxed playing music in a wonderful venue, the Club Moments in Bremen. First Lena Steinbrink, with a great voice and accompanied by her friend and bass-player, catching the audience at once. Then Inge van Calcar with her joyful music, also accompanied by her friend and bassplayer. Funny, two times a female singer with her bassplayer-friend on stage ! My instruments at first were not willing to send a signal to the mixer - damned! But after fixing these things my music could find the way to the wonderful audience as well. A greeat evening in the special sphere of Club Moments. Thanks to all, and see you!