2013- Tom Richardson 'Live' (Live album/DVD)
2011- Tom Richardson Project (Double Album)
2008- Evolution (Album)
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Please listen to Tom Richardson on Soundcloud!
Please listen to Tom Richardson on Soundcloud!
“Tom has the voice, and he’s got the songs.”-
Joe Bonamassa – Acclaimed Musician/Guitarist
“Tom has huge potential and the proposed ‘project’ is timed perfectly to further build his creative work and inject another critical boost to his career in music. I will eat my dinner suit if this project is not a roaring success!”
Jamie McKew – Festival Director,Port Fairy Folk Festival
“A musician with individual strength and diversity, with a distinct musical personality in both playing and writing. The future holds great things for this talented young man”
John Durr - Founder and Director,Black Market Music Records
John Durr - Founder and Director,Black Market Music Records
“Tom’s personality and ability to interact with an audience at such a young age is unlike anyone I’ve ever seen”
Fiona Read – President ,Western Australia Blues Club
Fiona Read – President ,Western Australia Blues Club
“Each of the performers were unique and impressive in their talents but the best was saved for last with a performance from Tom Richardson. He was energetic and fast-paced, providing a fabulous climax to a memorable night”
Yasmin Paton – Blues Train Reviewer ,Geelong Advertiser
Yasmin Paton – Blues Train Reviewer ,Geelong Advertiser
"Tom Richardson, wow…so much talent for someone so young. Tom has the ability to take you from way down south on the swampy deltas, up through the mountains and down to the sea, easily crossing through genres from blues, roots, folk, surf music and back again. His adept musicianship, song writing and storytelling belie his age, this young man knows how to entertain and keep the audience wanting for more. Don't miss him when he's in a town near you, he's going places for sure!-
Karin Grant - President,Launceston Blues Club. Tasmani
“One of Australia’s most promising and exciting young blues artists! His musical talent, writing ability and enthusiasm are extraordinary and his popularity says it all.”
Marg Rubins – Treasurer, Sleepy Hollow Blues Club, Geelong.
Karin Grant - President,Launceston Blues Club. Tasmani
“One of Australia’s most promising and exciting young blues artists! His musical talent, writing ability and enthusiasm are extraordinary and his popularity says it all.”
Marg Rubins – Treasurer, Sleepy Hollow Blues Club, Geelong.
“Tom’s performance convinced me a young person could play the blues. Not just another ‘roots’ artist”
Danny Spooner, Renowned Folk Performer
“The talk of the festival!”
Peter Thornton - Director,Fleurieu Folk Festival
Danny Spooner, Renowned Folk Performer
“The talk of the festival!”
Peter Thornton - Director,Fleurieu Folk Festival
“A standout choice for Nannup Music Festivals Best Emerging Artist Award. We would love to have Tom back next year!”
Phaedra Watts – Artistic Director, Nannup Music Festival
Phaedra Watts – Artistic Director, Nannup Music Festival
With so many talented artists vying for a spot on the world stage, it is becoming increasing more difficult to find somebody doing things a little differently... Tom Richardson is that artist. An adventurous yet humble nomad, in the past 18 months alone, Tom has performed in 14 different countries across the globe. Tom uses the latest in loop pedal technology to create a wall of sound, overdubbing four part vocal harmonies, complicated percussion grooves and lead and rhythm guitar parts, all live on stage. While live looping may not be a new phenomenon, rather than focusing on laying down one continuous groove, Tom dances around the stage, using his feet to create different song sections, starting, stopping and layering various instruments as he goes.
Following a busy Australian summer of festivals, described as the “best opening to a festival yet!” (Port Fairy Folk Festival), Tom Richardson once again took his music to audiences around the world. Armed with his infectious personality and contagious melodies, Tom singlehandedly entertained audiences from major Canadian festivals, dozens of American and European bars, to highland village tribes in Fiji. Tom heads into 2014 with new solo looping show, a large swag of songs and a guitar case full of stories.
A captivating and interactive live performer, ‘Tom Richardson LIVE’ is set for release in Australia from January 2014, following successful international launch tours throughout the USA, Canada and Europe, working with independent producers and mangers in Los Angeles. The live DVD gives audiences a behind-the-scenes insight into the intricacy of Tom’s unique looping abilities.
Releasing his debut double album ‘Guide Your Ship’ in 2011 with his full band, the Tom Richardson Project, Tom collected numerous national songwriting and blues music awards, including Solo Performer of the Year and Best Debut Album at the Victorian Blues Music Awards, as well Best Emerging Artist awards at the Port Fairy Folk Festival, Nannup Music Festival and Apollo Bay Music Festival. He was also fortunate enough to receive the highest number of nominations at the 2012 Australian Blues Music Awards and was a finalist in the Vanda & Young Songwriting competition, Australian Songwriting competition and APRA professional development awards.
While still in his early twenties, having already shared the stage with the likes of Joe Bonamassa, Cold Chisel, The Waifs and You Am I, there are very few Australian festival stages on which Tom hasn’t performed. Often labelled “the talk of the festival”, past appearances include the Woodford Folk Festival, Port Fairy Folk Festival, National Music Muster, Queenscliff Music Festival, Bridgetown Blues Festival, National Folk Festival and Blues On Broadbeach.
Combining his love of music, travelling and the ocean, Tom also loves finding the time whilst travelling the world to empower ambitious, wheelchair bound youths through adaptive surfing and skating programs, through the organisations ‘Ocean Healing Group’ and ‘Sharing The Stoke’.
Tracks from each of Tom’s recordings have sparked the interest of radio DJs worldwide, including rotation and interviews on Triple Js ‘Roots N All’ program. Rip Curl surfing documentaries, ABC’s ‘Australian Story’ and many national television programs are also helping spread the word of an exciting artist, captivating both aural, and visual senses of audiences around the globe.
With so many talented artists vying for a spot on the world stage, it is becoming increasing more difficult to find somebody doing things a little differently... Tom Richardson is that artist. An adventurous yet humble nomad, in the past 18 months alone, Tom has performed in 14 different countries across the globe. Tom uses the latest in loop pedal technology to create a wall of sound, overdubbing four part vocal harmonies, complicated percussion grooves and lead and rhythm guitar parts, all live on stage. While live looping may not be a new phenomenon, rather than focusing on laying down one continuous groove, Tom dances around the stage, using his feet to create different song sections, starting, stopping and layering various instruments as he goes.
Following a busy Australian summer of festivals, described as the “best opening to a festival yet!” (Port Fairy Folk Festival), Tom Richardson once again took his music to audiences around the world. Armed with his infectious personality and contagious melodies, Tom singlehandedly entertained audiences from major Canadian festivals, dozens of American and European bars, to highland village tribes in Fiji. Tom heads into 2014 with new solo looping show, a large swag of songs and a guitar case full of stories.
A captivating and interactive live performer, ‘Tom Richardson LIVE’ is set for release in Australia from January 2014, following successful international launch tours throughout the USA, Canada and Europe, working with independent producers and mangers in Los Angeles. The live DVD gives audiences a behind-the-scenes insight into the intricacy of Tom’s unique looping abilities.
Releasing his debut double album ‘Guide Your Ship’ in 2011 with his full band, the Tom Richardson Project, Tom collected numerous national songwriting and blues music awards, including Solo Performer of the Year and Best Debut Album at the Victorian Blues Music Awards, as well Best Emerging Artist awards at the Port Fairy Folk Festival, Nannup Music Festival and Apollo Bay Music Festival. He was also fortunate enough to receive the highest number of nominations at the 2012 Australian Blues Music Awards and was a finalist in the Vanda & Young Songwriting competition, Australian Songwriting competition and APRA professional development awards.
While still in his early twenties, having already shared the stage with the likes of Joe Bonamassa, Cold Chisel, The Waifs and You Am I, there are very few Australian festival stages on which Tom hasn’t performed. Often labelled “the talk of the festival”, past appearances include the Woodford Folk Festival, Port Fairy Folk Festival, National Music Muster, Queenscliff Music Festival, Bridgetown Blues Festival, National Folk Festival and Blues On Broadbeach.
Combining his love of music, travelling and the ocean, Tom also loves finding the time whilst travelling the world to empower ambitious, wheelchair bound youths through adaptive surfing and skating programs, through the organisations ‘Ocean Healing Group’ and ‘Sharing The Stoke’.
Tracks from each of Tom’s recordings have sparked the interest of radio DJs worldwide, including rotation and interviews on Triple Js ‘Roots N All’ program. Rip Curl surfing documentaries, ABC’s ‘Australian Story’ and many national television programs are also helping spread the word of an exciting artist, captivating both aural, and visual senses of audiences around the globe.
---------------------------------------------German version---------------------------------------------
Heutzutage gibt es eine so große Menge an Künstlern, die um die begehrten Plätze auf den Konzertbühnen dieser Welt wetteifern, dass es immer schwieriger wird, jemanden zu finden, der die Dinge etwas anders angeht. Tom Richardson ist genau ein solcher Künstler. Ein abenteuerlustiger Nomade, der alleine in den letzten 18 Monaten in 14 verschiedenen Ländern rund um den Globus aufgetreten ist. Die neuste Loop-Technik nutzend, kreiert Tom eine ganz eigene Klangwelt; gesampelte vierstimmige Gesangsharmonien, komplexe Percussion-Grooves paart er mit Lead- und Rhytmusgitarren-Parts - und das alles live. Inspiration findet Tom Richardson bei Blues-Legenden wie Muddy Waters oder Elmore James, genauso wie bei Singer-Songwritern wie City & Colour und Damien Rice. Eine spannende Mischung, die Tom Richardsons Musik so besonders macht.
Nach unzähligen Auftritten auf Festivals in seiner Heimat Australien, die ihm unter anderen den Titel des „besten Eröffnungsact, den das Festival je hatte“ (Port Fairy Folk Festival) einbrachte, zog es Tom Richardson wieder hinaus in die große weite Welt. Dabei lässt der Sänger mit seiner ansteckender Persönlichkeit und vor allem Melodien, die im Kopf bleiben, keine Möglichkeit aus, seine Musik vor einem Publikum zu präsentieren: Von großen Festivals in Kanada, kleinen Bars in den USA und Europa bis hin zu den Dörfern der Ureinwohner auf den Fiji-Inseln.
2011 veröffentlichte Tom Richardson sein Debütalbum „Guide Your Ship“ für das er zahlreiche australische Preise gewann, unter anderem als „Solo Performer des Jahres“ und für das „Beste Debütalbum“ bei den Victorian Blues Music Awards, sowie als „Bester Newcomer“ beim Port Fairy Folk Festival. 2014 erscheint dann die Live-DVD „Tom Richardson: Live“, die den Australier auf Konzerten in den USA, Kanada und Europa begleitet.
Im Herbst 2013 warTom Richardson bereits zum zweiten Mal nach 2012 im Rahmen von „SONGS & WHISPERS“ auf Tour gehen. Mit dabei hatte er jede Menge neuer Songs und einen Gitarrenkoffer voller Geschichten von seinen Reisen rund um die Welt.
Nach unzähligen Auftritten auf Festivals in seiner Heimat Australien, die ihm unter anderen den Titel des „besten Eröffnungsact, den das Festival je hatte“ (Port Fairy Folk Festival) einbrachte, zog es Tom Richardson wieder hinaus in die große weite Welt. Dabei lässt der Sänger mit seiner ansteckender Persönlichkeit und vor allem Melodien, die im Kopf bleiben, keine Möglichkeit aus, seine Musik vor einem Publikum zu präsentieren: Von großen Festivals in Kanada, kleinen Bars in den USA und Europa bis hin zu den Dörfern der Ureinwohner auf den Fiji-Inseln.
2011 veröffentlichte Tom Richardson sein Debütalbum „Guide Your Ship“ für das er zahlreiche australische Preise gewann, unter anderem als „Solo Performer des Jahres“ und für das „Beste Debütalbum“ bei den Victorian Blues Music Awards, sowie als „Bester Newcomer“ beim Port Fairy Folk Festival. 2014 erscheint dann die Live-DVD „Tom Richardson: Live“, die den Australier auf Konzerten in den USA, Kanada und Europa begleitet.
Im Herbst 2013 warTom Richardson bereits zum zweiten Mal nach 2012 im Rahmen von „SONGS & WHISPERS“ auf Tour gehen. Mit dabei hatte er jede Menge neuer Songs und einen Gitarrenkoffer voller Geschichten von seinen Reisen rund um die Welt.
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