For a glance into the past and the future - an overview about all
"SONGS & WHISPERS" - Circuits from 01/2009 till today:
01/2009 | Someday Jacob | |
01/2009 | Viarosa (Richard Neuberg solo) | |
02/2009 | Daisy Chapman | |
03/2009 | Dogs Run Free (Bremen, D) | |
03/2009 | The Cedar (Bath/ Bristol, UK) | |
04//2009 | Axel Kruse (Bremen, D) | |
04/ 2009 | Slow (Bristol, UK) | |
05/ 2009 | Someday Jacob (Bremen, D) | |
05/ 2009 | Viarosa (Oxford, UK) | |
06/ 2009 | Marisa Yeaman (The Hague, NL) | |
06/ 2009 | Paul Littlewood (Sheffield, UK) | |
06/ 2009 | Scarlatti Tilt (Bristol/ Birmingham, UK) | |
07/ 2009 | At The Bus Stop | |
07/ 2009 | Drew Kennedy (New Braunfels, Texas) | |
07/ 2009 | Kid Decker (Somerset, UK) | |
07/ 2009 | Owls Of The Swamp (Melbourne, Australia) | |
07/ 2009 | Svavar Knutur (Reykjavik, IC) | |
07/ 2009 | Torben Stock (Hamburg, D) | |
08/ 2009 | Cue Fanfare (Bristol, UK) | |
08/ 2009 | H. Gudjonsson (Bremen, D) | |
08/ 2009 | Haruko (D) | |
08/ 2009 | l.f.singer (Hamburg, D) | |
08/ 2009 | Solo (NL) | |
09/ 2009 | August In Fall (Bologna, IT) | |
09/ 2009 | Bennson (Bremen, D) | |
09/ 2009 | Garfields Birthday (Weymouth, UK) | |
09/ 2009 | Palodine (Seattle, USA) | |
10/ 2009 | The Alma Church Choir (Berlin/ Düsseldorf, D) | |
10/ 2009 | The Cedar (Bristol, UK) | |
11/ 2009 | Skyside (Austria) | |
11/ 2009 | Stephen Brandon (Australia) | |
12/ 2009 | Caroline Martin (Bristol, UK) | |
12/ 2009 | Darker Dogs (Bristol, UK) | |
12/ 2009 | Don Voigt (Bremen, D) | |
12/ 2009 | Ivy Mellin (Hannover, D) | |
12/ 2009 | Robert Carl Blank (Hamburg, D) | |
12/ 2009 | The Johnny Parry Trio (London, UK) | |
01/ 2010 | Cajita (Bristol, UK) | |
01/ 2010 | Outroads (Sheffield, UK) | |
02/ 2010 | Alexander McKenzie & The Underpaid (NL) | |
02/ 2010 | Amit Erez (IL) | |
03/ 2010 | Katey Brooks (UK) | |
03/ 2010 | Pollyanna (F) | |
04/ 2010 | James Cottriall (AUT) | |
04/ 2010 | Jürgen Ufer (D) | |
05/ 2010 | Gravelclub (D) | |
05/ 2010 | Klock (D) | |
05/ 2010 | The Monotrol Kid (B) | |
06/ 2010 | Little Giant (Amsterdam, NL) | |
06/ 2010 | The Johnny Parry Trio (Bedford/London, UK) | |
07/ 2010 | Reza (Paris/ London, F/ UK) | |
07/ 2010 | Rupert Blackman (Utrecht, NL) | |
08/ 2010 | Astrid's Farm (Hamburg, D) | |
08/ 2010 | Ken Kobayashi (London, UK) | |
08/ 2010 | Kid Decker (Somerset, UK) | |
09/ 2010 | A Seated Craft (Melbourne/ Berlin, Australia/ D) | |
09/ 2010 | June Et Jim (Paris, F) | |
09/ 2010 | Summer Crowd Stereo (Hamburg, D) | |
10/ 2010 | Axel Kruse (Bremen, D) | |
10/ 2010 | Long Conversations (Zuid, NL) | |
10/ 2010 | Mings Pretty Heroes (Rotterdam, NL) | |
11/ 2010 | Guido Goh (Hamburg, D) | |
11/ 2010 | Stanton Delaplane (Bristol, UK) | |
12/ 2010 | Adam Donen (London, UK) | |
12/ 2010 | Rivers Of England (Bath, UK) | |
01/ 2011 | Patrick Duff (Bristol, UK) | |
01/ 2011 | Robert Carl Blank (Hamburg, D) | |
02/ 2011 | Matthieu Davette (Paris, F) | |
02/ 2011 | Tom Copson (Cambridge, UK) | |
03/ 2011 | Jess Morgan (London, UK) | |
03/ 2011 | Zarbo (Brighton, UK) | |
04/ 2011 | Mr Dame (Geneve, CH) | |
04/ 2011 | Nick Parker (UK) | |
05/ 2011 | Katey Brooks (Bristol, UK) | |
05/ 2011 | Vince Freeman (Cheltenham, UK) | |
06/ 2011 | Cajita (London/ Bristol, UK) | |
06/ 2011 | Ruth Royall (Bristol, UK) | |
07/ 2011 | Buzzard Lope (UK) | |
07/ 2011 | The Black Maria Memorial Fund (UK) | |
08/ 2011 | Inge van Calkar (Groningen, NL) | |
08/ 2011 | Youdid (Hannover, D) | |
09/ 2011 | Alexander von Rothkirch (Hamburg, D) | |
09/ 2011 | Marcus Corbett (Marlborough, UK) | |
09/ 2011 | Patrick Duff (Bristol, UK) | |
10/ 2011 | Chris Letcher (London, UK) | |
11/ 2011 | Garfields Birthday (Weymouth, UK) | |
11/ 2011 | Si Jubb (London, UK) | |
11/ 2011 | The Poor Claires (Portland, UK) | |
12/ 2011 | Ralegh Long (UK) | |
12/ 2011 | Howlin Lord (UK) | |
01/ 2012 | Adam Donen (RSA/ UK) | |
01/ 2012 | Honig (D) | |
01/ 2012 | Gillian Grassie (USA) | |
02/ 2012 | Zen Elephant (Bristol, UK) | |
02/ 2012 | Fred Raspail (F) | |
03/ 2012 | Nele Needs A Holiday (BEL) | |
03/ 2012 | Peter Crawford (UK) | |
03/ 2012 | Em Huisken (D) | |
03/ 2012 | The Monotrol Kid (BEL) | |
04/ 2012 | A Jigsaw (PRT) | |
04/ 2012 | Sleepwalker's Station (D) | |
05/ 2012 | John Fairhurst (UK) | |
05/ 2012 | Brooke Sharkey (UK) | |
05/ 2012 | Adam Beattie (UK) | |
06/ 2012 | Norman (USA) | |
06/ 2012 | Paul Creane (IRL) | |
07/2012 | Inge van Calkar (Groningen, NL) | |
07/ 2012 | Lena Steinbrink (Bremen, D) | |
07/ 2012 | Cajita (London, UK) | |
08/ 2012 | Mark Mustang (Kassel, D) | |
08/ 2012 | Tom Richardson (South West Victoria, AUS) | |
09/ 2012 | Gerard Starkie (Bristol, UK) | |
09/ 2012 | Patrick Duff (Bristol, UK) | |
10/ 2012 | Wille and the Bandits (UK) | |
10/2012 | Ben Riddle (AUS) | |
11/2012 | Pollyanna (F) | |
11/ 2012 | Miss Mary Mack (F) | |
12/ 2012 | The Lightsleeper (AT) | |
12/ 2012 | Gonne Choi (KR) | |
01/ 2013 | Rein (BE) | |
01/ 2013 | Red Sail (IRL) | |
02/ 2013 | Joyce the Librarian (UK) | |
02/ 2013 | Ciaram Granger (AUS) | |
03/ 2013 | The Hobos (UK) | |
03/ 2013 | Aireene Espiritu (USA) | |
04/ 2013 | Tom Corbett (USA) | |
04/ 2013 | Nico Rivers (USA) | |
05/ 2013 | Robert Carl Blank (D) | |
05/ 2013 | Christa Couture (CAN) | |
06/ 2013 | Roaky (MG) | |
06/ 2013 | Matt Woosey (UK) | |
07/ 2013 | The Fallen Stars (USA) | |
07/ 2013 | Ben Riddle (AUS) | |
08/ 2013 | Lewis Knudsen (USA) | |
08/ 2013 | Jeconte & The Mali Allstars | |
09/ 2013 | Tom Richardson (AUS) | |
09/ 2013 | Stressechoes (UK) | |
10/ 2013 | The Mandolas (IRL) | |
10/ 2013 | Ryan Conroy (USA) | |
11/ 2013 | Mark Lotterman (NL) | |
11/ 2013 | Assunta & The Light Orchestra (BE) | |
12/ 2013 | Ethan Goodman (USA) | |
12/ 2013 | Poeina Suddarth & The Lucid Dreamers (USA) | |
01/ 2014 | Caitlin Mahoney | |
01/ 2014 | Pasco Tom | |
02/ 2014 | Raleigh | |
02/ 2014 | James Cottriall | |
03/ 2014 | Future:Art | |
03/ 2014 | Isaac Tabor | |
04/ 2014 | Rhiannon Mair | |
04/ 2014 | Kris Angelis | |
05/ 2014 | Senakah acoustic | |
05/ 2014 | Benjalu acoustic | |
06/ 2014 | Emily Maguire | |
06/ 2014 | Whetherman | |
07/ 2014 | Simon Hudson Band | |
07/ 2014 | Kaurna Cronin | |
07/ 2014 | Tom Richardson | |
08/ 2014 | Hanna Fearns | |
08/ 2014 | The Castros | |
09/ 2014 | Echo Bloom | |
09/ 2014 | Drew Davis | http://drewdavismusic.com/ |
10/2014 | Riddle & the Stars | |
10/2014 | Stressechoes | |
11/2014 | Tom Corbett | www.tomcorbett.net |
11/2014 | Aireene Espiritu | |
12/2014 | Jed Rowe | |
12/2014 | Merrygold | |
01/2015 | Robert Sarazin Blake | www.robertsarazinblake.com |
01/2015 | Matt Henshaw | www.matthenshaw.com |
02/2015 | Simon van Gend | www.simonvangend.com |
02/2015 | Peter Crawford | http://www.peter-crawford.com |
03/2015 | Meghan Yates and the Reverie Machine | www.thereveriemachine.com |
03/2015 | Caravan Cult | http://www.caravancult.com |
04/2015 | ODI | www.odimusic.co.uk |
04/2015 | Gavin Mee | www.gavinmee.com |
05/2015 | Cassie Graves | www.cassiegraves.co.uk |
05/2015 | Adam Burrows | www.adamburrows.com |
06/2015 | I am Love | www.iamloveband.com |
06/2015 | Jenn Bostic | www.jennbostic.com |
06/2015 | Tiffany Thompson | www.tiffanythompsonmusic.com |
07/2015 | Rufus Coates | www.rufuscoates.com |
07/2015 | Riddle & The Stars | www.riddleandthestars.com |
07/2015 | Aireene Espiritu | www.aireeneespiritu.com |
08/2015 | Kaurna Cronin | www.kaurnacronin.com |
08/2015 | Ingrid Verman | www.ingridveerman.be |
08/2015 | Ciaram Granger | www.ciaramgranger.com |
09/2015 | Nico Rivers | www.nicorivers.com |
09/2015 | Matt Boylan-Smith | http://mattboylansmith.com |
10/2015 | Molly Conrad | www.mollyconradmusic.com |
10/2015 | King of The Tramps | www.kingofthetramps.com |
10/2015 | Sasha March | www.sashamarch.bandcamp.com |
11/2015 | Jean-Paul de Roover | www.jeanpaulderoover.com |
11/2015 | Echo Bloom | www.echobloom.com |
12/2015 | Penniless Cove | www.pennilesscove.bandcamp.com |
01/2016 | Tori Sparks | www.torisparks.com |
01/2016 | Christopher the Conquered | www.christophertheconquered.com |
02/2016 | The Muddy Crows | www.themuddycrows.com |
02/2016 | Janita | http://www.ecrmusicgroup.com/artists/janita/ |
03/2016 | Joe Inne | www.joeinnes.com |
03/2016 | Matt Henshaw | www.matthenshaw.com |
03/2016 | Jesse Ruben | http://jesseruben.com |
04/2016 | Aly Tadros | http://alytadros.com/ |
04/2016 | Paper Moon Shiners | http://www.papermoonshiners.com/ |
05/2016 | Josh Harty | www.joshharty.com |
05/2016 | Pi Jacobs | www.pijacobs.com |
06/2016 | Georgina Ward | www.georginaward.com.au |
06/2016 | Brian Laidlaw | www.brianlaidlaw.com |
06/2016 | Fast Heart Mart | www.fastheartmart.com |
07/2016 | Echo Bloom | |
07/2016 | Simon Hudson | www.simonhudson.com.au |
07/2016 | Ben Riddle | www.benriddle.com |
08/2016 | Bonnie & Taylor Sims | www.bonnieandherclydes.com |
08/2016 | Molly Conrad | www.mollyconradmusic.com |
08/2016 | Kaurna Cronin | www.kaurnacronin.com |
08/2016 | Troy Petty | http://troypettymusic.com |
09/2016 | Bobbo Byrnes of The Fallen Stars | www.thefallenstars.com |
09/2016 | Ben Hanna | www.benhannamusic.com |
09/2016 | Tom Richardson | |
09/2016 | Rivers of England | |
10/2016 | The Fallen Stars | www.thefallenstars.com |
10/2016 | Chris Riffle | www.chrisriffle.com |
11/2016 | Jenai Huff | www.jenaihuffmusic.com |
11/2016 | Megan Burtt | |
12/2016 | Caroline Cotter | www.carolinecotter.com |
12/2016 | Father Misty and the Big Rock | www.fathermistyandthebigrock.com |
01/2017 | Eli Barsi | www.elibarsi.com |
01/2017 | Richie Ros | www.richieros.com |
02/2017 | Goodwill Intent | www.goodwill-intent.de |
02/2017 | Joey Ryan | www.joeyryansite.com |
03/2017 | Courtney Yasmineh | www.courtneyyasmineh.com |
03/2017 | This Frontier Needs Heroes | www.thisfrontierneedsheroes.org |
04/2017 | Karen Dahlstrom | www.karendahlstrom.com |
04/2017 | Sue Sergel | www.suesergel.net |
05/2016 | Josh Harty | www.joshharty.com |
05/2016 | Pi Jacobs | www.pijacobs.com |
06/2016 | Georgina Ward | www.georginaward.com.au |
06/2016 | Brian Laidlaw | www.brianlaidlaw.com |
06/2016 | Fast Heart Mart | www.fastheartmart.com |
07/2016 | Echo Bloom | |
07/2016 | Simon Hudson | www.simonhudson.com.au |
07/2016 | Ben Riddle | www.benriddle.com |
08/2016 | Bonnie & Taylor Sims | www.bonnieandherclydes.com |
08/2016 | Molly Conrad | www.mollyconradmusic.com |
08/2016 | Kaurna Cronin | www.kaurnacronin.com |
08/2016 | Troy Petty | http://troypettymusic.com |
09/2016 | Bobbo Byrnes of The Fallen Stars | www.thefallenstars.com |
09/2016 | Ben Hanna | www.benhannamusic.com |
09/2016 | Tom Richardson | |
09/2016 | Rivers of England | |
10/2016 | The Fallen Stars | www.thefallenstars.com |
10/2016 | Chris Riffle | www.chrisriffle.com |
11/2016 | Jenai Huff | www.jenaihuffmusic.com |
11/2016 | Megan Burtt | |
12/2016 | Caroline Cotter | www.carolinecotter.com |
12/2016 | Father Misty and the Big Rock | www.fathermistyandthebigrock.com |
01/2017 | Eli Barsi | www.elibarsi.com |
01/2017 | Richie Ros | www.richieros.com |
02/2017 | Goodwill Intent | www.goodwill-intent.de |
02/2017 | Joey Ryan | www.joeyryansite.com |
03/2017 | Courtney Yasmineh | www.courtneyyasmineh.com |
03/2017 | This Frontier Needs Heroes | www.thisfrontierneedsheroes.org |
04/2017 | Karen Dahlstrom | www.karendahlstrom.com |
04/2017 | Sue Sergel | www.suesergel.net |
05/2017 | James Houlahan | www.jameshoulahan.com |
05/2017 | Jasper Sloan Yip | www.jaspersloanyip.com |
06/2017 | Bobbo Byrnes | |
06/2017 | Aaron English with Elizabeth Hareza | |
06/2017 | Kate Vargas & The Reckless Daughters | |
06/2017 | Riddle & The Stars | |
06/2017 | Kaurna Cronin | |
07/2017 | Riddle & The Stars | |
07/2017 | Kaurna Cronin | |
07/2017 | Simon Hudson | |
07/2017 | Richie Ros | |
07/2017 | Troy Petty | |
08/2017 | Troy Petty | |
08/2017 | Simon Hudson | |
08/2017 | Passerine | |
09/2017 | Jackson Howard | |
09/2017 | King Of The Tramps | |
10/2017 | Ian Foster | |
10/2017 | Justin Levinson | |
11/2017 | Raleigh | |
11/2017 | Nicholas Chim | |
11/2017 | Pi Jacobs | |
11/2017 | The Roseline | |
12/2017 | Sandtimer | |
12/2017 | The Copper Tones | |
01/2018 | Lauren O‘Brien | |
01/2018 | Ben Lorentzen | |
02/2018 | Luke Philbrick | |
02/2018 | Zinney Sonnenberg | |
03/2018 | Paula Cox & Paul Creane | |
03/2018 | Courtney Yasmineh | |
03/2018 | Ukulelenprediger | |
04/2018 | Bonefish | |
04/2018 | Kelly Harthan | |
05/2018 | Son Of The Velvet Rat | |
05/2018 | Carrington MacDuffie |